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For support, kindly call or WhatsApp us at +91-9864679139.

Refund Clause

If a customer cancel an order before the order is shipped. Then Silkalay may accept the ordercancellation and Refund the order to the buyer. In such case the order amount is Refunded but the Cancellation Fee charged by the Bank be deducted.

-The amount will be refunded only to the beneficiary of the card/account holder. The amount shall not be refunded to a third party.

-Cancellation of product is not possible once the item has been shipped. Under such circumstances, complete refund is not possible. The amount after deduction of service charge (shipping fees etc.) shall only be refunded.

Exchange Clause

- Product once sold shall not be exchanged for another product.

In case of any dispute, the decision of Silkalay Management shall be final and binding upon the concerned party.

Disclaimer: All disputes to be adhered to Guwahati Jurisdiction.

Return Policy

Only damaged items may be returned after mutual consent and verification.


Trade name: M/s Silkalay
Constitution of Business: Proprietorship
Proprietor: Bijay Kumar Jain (Silkalay Johat)
Address of principal place of business: Ground floor, 446, AT. Road, Jorhat, Assam, 785001

© Silkalay. All rights reserved.